Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Carrot and Apple Cake

Pin It Now! Some of the apples left over from the apple crumble the other day went into this apple and carrot cake. This cake was put together in a jiffy by using a basic recipe and then modifying it with the ingredients I had on hand. To my pleasant surprise the ingredients mingled beautifully. I am sure to bake this cake again.

Following is the recipe :-

1. In a bowl mix together foll.

2 tbsp corn starch
1C all purpose flour (Take 2 tbsp cornflour in cup and add APF to make 1C of flour)
1/2 cup sugar( I used brown sugar)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon powder
1 tsp nutmeg powder

2. To the above mixture add the foll.
1 medium shredded apple
2 medium shredded carrot
handful of walnuts

3.In another bigger bowl mix the foll.
1/4 C oil
1/4 C milk
1/2 cup applesauce

4. Stir the flour mixture into the wet ingredients until just combined. Used the cut and fold method of mixing.

5. Bake in a prepared pan at 350 deg. F for 45 min. Do the toothpick test.

The cake smelled heavenly when baking. The crumb was delicious with bits of carrot showing up beautifully. This makes a perfect mid-morning or afternoon snack.

Its not Valentine 's day really but I did bake this cake for my eternal valentine :) . So this cake goes to the Bake a Cake event - Valentines Day Special event hosted by Nina of Confections of Bake-a-holic. And now that's a nice name.

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